Financial Inclusion: Ratio Analysis and Stability of the Company


  • Dr. Raj Bihari Lal Srivastava Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, C.M.P. Degree College, University of Allahabad, India



ratios, financial inclusion, profitability, internal source, development, vision


The purpose of this paper is to apply the framework of ratio analysis to the study of Tata Steel Limited's financial inclusion. The fundamental purpose of the article is to assess and appraise the inclusion of Tata Steel during the research period. To estimate the business' efficiency, the analyst attempts to measure the firm’s solvency, liquidity, profitability, and other indicators using a rational and normal approach. The data take from 5 financial year annual reports of Tata Steel Limited from 2016-17 to 2019-20. To analyze the profitability statement were Simple Percentage Analysis and Ratios are used in the present study. Profitability of Tata Steel (stand-alone) is at the appreciable level. Even then, if it takes some steps by generating internal sources the profitability position will be increased more than the present level.


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How to Cite

Srivastava, R. B. L. (2021). Financial Inclusion: Ratio Analysis and Stability of the Company. Social Science Journal for Advanced Research, 1(3), 69–73.