A Comprehensive Review of Key Competencies for Educators in Advancing Distance Learning in Higher Education


  • Dr. N. Roopsing Naik Professor, Library & Information Science and University Librarian, JNTUH Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India
  • J Bhaskar Research Scholar, Department of Library Science, Bir Tikendrajit University, Manipur, India




distance learning, higher education, skills, covid-19


This literature review investigates the essential competencies that educators must possess to improve distance learning in higher education institutions. The analysis encompasses a range of research articles, pinpointing critical skills in pedagogy, technology, design, management, and communication. The results underscore the significance of these competencies in fostering an enhanced learning experience for students in an online setting. By acquiring and refining these skills, educators can adeptly manage the shift to distance learning and promote positive outcomes for students in higher education.


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How to Cite

Naik, N. R., & Bhaskar, J. (2025). A Comprehensive Review of Key Competencies for Educators in Advancing Distance Learning in Higher Education. Social Science Journal for Advanced Research, 5(1), 69–75. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14904088