Traditional Dress-Making Practices and Empowerment: A Study on Mising Tribal Women in Assam


  • Indreswar Patir Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, India
  • Dr. Bikash Deka Faculty, Department of Sociology, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, India



mising community, weaving, traditional, dress-making, empowerment, involvement


The Mising tribal women have long been associated with traditional weaving practices, which serve as both a means of preserving their cultural identity and a vital source of income. This practice significantly empowers marginalised Mising women to transform at their personal and community levels. This study is articulated by the notion of "Empowerment for Marginalised Women" through a gender perspective, focusing on how participation in traditional weaving allows financial independence and functions as a learning tool for empowerment. Data were collected from 241 participants across different categories in the Dhemaji and Lakhimpur districts of Assam, India. The study reveals that traditional dress-making practices support the socio-economic development of marginalised Mising women. Particularly, the popularity of this sector is pronounced in Upper Assam. Participants use these practices to support themselves, strengthen their families, and establish weaving as a sustainable source of income for their communities.

Emerging dimensions of empowerment include leadership roles in Self-Help Groups, ownership of handloom industries, and involvement as shopkeepers, all of which contribute to promoting community well-being. Additionally, participants have enhanced essential skills such as negotiation, linguistic adaptability, and financial management. These skills, developed through informal and formal education, are instrumental in achieving financial independence. By challenging rigid community norms and customs, the women are transitioning to a modern social structure, thereby bridging the gap between traditional and modern economic practices. This transformation contributes to their personal and financial empowerment and fosters collective growth within their communities.


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How to Cite

Patir, I., & Deka, B. (2025). Traditional Dress-Making Practices and Empowerment: A Study on Mising Tribal Women in Assam. Social Science Journal for Advanced Research, 5(1), 79–97.