An Assessing the Relationship between Environmental Concern and Consumer Preference: With Reference to Organic Products’ Promotional Approach in India


  • R. Sangeetha Research Scholar (Ph.D), Department of Business Administration, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), India
  • Dr. A. Geetha HoD & Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), India



environmental concerns, consumer perception, organic products


In recent times, the producers and the consumers exhibit more concern regarding the effect of production process of goods over the environment. From the previous decades, it can be seen that there is an enhancement of the organic trend, both in production and consumption. The study presented here has been undertaken to depict the effect of environment concern over the consumer preference for the organic food products. The information needed for the study has been collected with the help of questionnaire and the number of responses got is 100. Simple random sampling has been adopted for selecting the respondents. The sample population comprises of the consumers of organic products. Findings show that there is a relationship of environmental concern with the consumer preference for the organic products.


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How to Cite

Sangeetha, R., & Geetha, A. (2024). An Assessing the Relationship between Environmental Concern and Consumer Preference: With Reference to Organic Products’ Promotional Approach in India. Social Science Journal for Advanced Research, 4(1), 43–46.