Business Continuity in Times of Crisis: An Assessment of the Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on the Paint Manufacturing Industry
business continuity, covid 19, crisis management, pandemic, resilienceAbstract
In considering business continuity in times of crisis this study delves in assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the paint manufacturing industry in Lusaka, Zambia, focusing on the strategic responses and resilience displayed by Kansai Plascon Zambia Limited, a key player within the region. Employing a qualitative research approach, the study undertakes a comprehensive analysis of data sourced from diverse stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, and industry leaders. The findings illustrate the effects of the pandemic on the paint manufacturing sector. Disruptions were not confined to operational aspects but also influenced the dynamics of customer expectations, workforce dynamics, and relationships within the supply chain. Through detailed qualitative thematic analysis, it provides insights into how industry stakeholders navigated these challenges, revealing adaptive measures and strategic responses that were instrumental in sustaining operations during challenging times. Kansai Plascon Zambia Limited's experiences and actions serve as a focal point for understanding how a prominent industry player grappled with the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic. This in-depth assessment sheds light on the resilience demonstrated by the company and its strategic decision-making processes. The research spotlights the transformative impact of technological advancements, focusing on investments in digitalization, research and development and the adoption of eco-friendly manufacturing practices. The findings serve as a roadmap for the paint industry, highlighting the importance of continuous learning, collaborative partnerships, and a resilient workforce which if embraced, the can industry navigate challenges and drive innovation, ensuring its relevance and prosperity in an ever-changing business landscape.
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