Exploratory Study of the Coach-Player Relationship and its Links with Sports Performance in Congolese Men's Soccer: A Case Study
psychosocial approach, coach-player dyad, soccer, interactionist theory, CongoAbstract
The subject of this study is the psychosocial coach-player relationship (dyad) in Congolese soccer. The aim is to show how the quest for performance mobilizes different and complementary behaviors in the two players. The aim is to identify the specificity of this functional and reasoned relationship in terms of the link between, on the one hand, action priorities, coaches' attitudes and players' expectations and, on the other, these behaviours and sporting performance. To this end, a qualitative and comprehensive case study was conducted in Brazzaville from May 23 to August 13, 2023. The cases were represented by three soccer teams: Diables-Noirs, AC Léopards and FC Gothia, all affiliated to the Congolese Football Federation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with coaches (two per team) and players (five per team). Analysis of the verbatims identified three configurations of the coach-player relationship, which appear to be less conducive to optimal sports use in line with them. The quality of this relational process is influenced by a series of individual, group and organizational variables. In sum, the results obtained demonstrate the reliability of the psychosocial approach in understanding the factors around which the coach-player relationship is articulated in team sports in Congo.
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Copyright (c) 2024 LITOTO PAMBOU Lucien, LEYINDA Alain Pascal, ELENGA Hygin Bellarmin, BAYETTE Jean Bruno, MOULONGO Floyd Amour Précoce, LOUFOUA-LEMAY Emile Didier, MASSAMBA Alphonse
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