Empirical Investigation of User Attitudes towards Emerging Technologies in Healthcare: Using the SOHI Model
attitude, healthcare information, performance expectancy, social influence, satisfaction, sohi, usersAbstract
The advancement of technology and the internet have increased social media platforms' popularity in recent years. Intending to extend the social media healthcare information [SOHI] model, this study incorporates attitudes toward social media [ATTSM] to extend the model. The model was tested using SmartPLS in a quantitative study with 310 participants. The results reveal that performance expectancy of social media (PESM) has a positive and significant influence on ATTSM and satisfaction with social media (SATSM), respectively. The findings show that both ATTSM and SATSM are significantly impacted by social influence on social media (SISM). In addition, ATTSM and SATSM significantly affected the behavioural intention of social media (BISM). Furthermore, the outcome indicated that BISM has a major effect on how people use SOHI. By testing SOHI with the integration of ATTSM, it has been proven that attitude plays a critical role in users’ decisions to use social media for healthcare.
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