Framing and Agenda Setting: Media Effects on Gun Violence in the U.S.


  • Dr. Neeraj Chaudhary Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Studies Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, India



media, framing, gun control, audience, social levels


This paper uses agenda setting and framing theories to explain how media influences audience perceptions of gun control, public opinion and behavior. Using the hypothesis of agenda theory, this paper explains how agenda setting raises issue salience among audience and its impact on behaviors at personal and social levels. Drawing from McCombs and Guo’s (2014) idea of second level or attribute agenda setting, the author highlight the potential effects that can be seen if the media covers specific attributes of an issue.


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How to Cite

Chaudhary, N. (2023). Framing and Agenda Setting: Media Effects on Gun Violence in the U.S. Social Science Journal for Advanced Research, 3(3), 20–22.


